Every year, the number of students choosing medical education in England and Great Britain continues to increase. Indeed, the prestigious diploma of higher medical education in England offers the widest opportunities for successful international employment, research activities, stable and high incomes.
TOP-3 tips for entering medical faculties in the UK for foreign students
- In order to start studying at the universities in Great Britain in the specialty "Medicine" in the majority cases, you must complete a minimum of 2 years of study in Great Britain
- There are one-year preliminary programs for admission to medicine at UK universities, for example: The St George's University of London program and Foundation program at the University of Central Lancashire, UCLan
- There are summer short-term medical programs and another Summer Program in Medicine.
Medical education in the UK for international students
The British system of medicine has its history for many centuries: according to the statistical data of the World Health Organization (WHO), the country ranks 15th among European states in terms of Medical care and 18th place around the world for the same parameter. The United Kingdom is one of TOP-10 world leaders in terms of the level of development of medicine, the use of innovative technologies, the pace of development and scientific research; In Britain there are world-famous universities and faculties of profile areas (Oxford, Cambridge, University of Newcastle and many others). Medical education in England is prestigious.
Such a high demand and prestige of medical schools leads to the highest competition among entrants.
Study in the UK is also chosen because the medical degree allows to receive a fairly high salary. Yes, the price of education in England is quite high, but the costs will pay off. According to statistics, the average district therapist gets about 44,000 euros a year.
The structure of higher medical education in Great Britain
The duration of medical education in England is approximately 7-8 years: the undergraduate program implies studying a wide range of basic disciplines. The first professional degrees received by students, who have chosen medical education in England and the UK, are the Bachelor of Medicine and the Bachelor of Surgery (similar and equivalent). After receiving a Bachelor's degree, a student can continue studying in a chosen or related specialty, going on an internship.
Internship (Foundation) is divided into two years - F1 and F2. The termination is marked by the MB diploma (for the specialists of the direction "Surgery" ChB diploma is intended). The Foundation Doctor degree is mandatory for all practicing qualified physicians in the UK: in 2005, it replaced the Pre-registration house officer and Senior house officer. Degrees are also taught to work in a team, acquire time management skills and IT.
- F1 - 3-4 different specialties are studied. The General Medical Council defines the mandatory set of knowledge that a student must possess after each trimester
- F2 - focuses on the diagnosis and prevention of acute diseases. Also teamwork and personnel management, necessary IT skills, ability to distribute time and rank assigned tasks are mastered.
In the United States, an intern is referred to as a specialist who received medical education, but does not yet have a license for independent medical practice. In Britain there is a similar in meaning term Foundation House Officer. Interns are practiced only under the guidance of a doctor with a license in an accredited clinic or hospital
Education in England can be obtained by completing the GEP express courses (4 years instead of 5-6), but only those who have completed biological and medical faculties can apply. There are exceptions to this rule, but they need to be learned separately in each university - for example, Cambridge accepts even holders of humanitarian diplomas at the GEP.
The Special General Medical Council - GMC - is responsible for the certification of specialists and has been working for many years, periodically releasing professional collections of recommendations that are mandatory for students, alumni and applicants.
The most prestigious and ranking universities in medicine in England
Great Britain can be proud of a whole pleiad of scientists and doctors of world renown who have been educated in England in one of 30 specialized medical schools or one of 10 universities. Among the most popular, prestigious and rating educational institutions are the following:
- University of Oxford
- University of Cambridge
- Queen Mary, University of London
- King's College of Medicine
- University of Bristol
- University of Nottingham
- University of Wales
- University of Birmingham
- St. George's, University of London
- University of Liverpool
- University of Newcastle
- University of Leicester
- University of Warwick .
How to enter a medical college in England?
Unlike most other universities and higher schools, the requirements for applicants are not limited to a certificate with good marks and the results of a language test in English. The certificate of the A-level program will be required (the course should have studied core disciplines - for example, chemistry or biology), a language testing certificate that confirms the advanced level of the English language, and the mandatory passing of the BMAT exam (introductory testing in biochemical sciences).
Please, note that most profile universities provide a very small quota for foreign students from non-EU countries. Medical education in England is very in demand among the subjects countries.
Pre-university programs in medicine
- Foundation or University Pathway (1 academic year). This course, with a successful completion, makes it possible to enter the chosen faculty without exams, which is very convenient for foreign students. This program is provided by large educational centers (such as INTO and Study Group). For example, INTO together with St. George's University of London will organize a six-year program of study in one of the best specialized schools: 4 years of study and two years of practice and internship in US clinics. At the end of the course the student gets the right to work in his specialty in America, and if he passes the GMC certification, and in the UK.
- The Summer Program in Medicine in Oxford
- Summer Medical Program in London .
British educational system
Speaking about medical education in England, it is impossible not to illuminate the educational system of Britain as a whole: a gradual, development of the national educational standard will help to succeed even in such a complicated field as medicine. The educational system of Great Britain is considered to be one of the best in the world. In many respects, national standards are regulated by the Education Act, adopted in 1944, which regulates the entire educational system as a whole.
Education in the UK is compulsory for all citizens from 5 to 16 years. Up to 5 years, parents can give the child to a day nursery or kindergarten (3-4 years), where the kids will learn to read, read and write on fun and boring occupations. After 16 years, the student can receive a professional qualification (GNVQ), start working or go to the Sixth Form programs and prepare for higher education at the university. In general, the entire educational system is divided into 4 levels:
- Elementary School - 5-11 years
- Secondary School - 11-16 years
- Post-secondary education (Further Education) -16-18 years
- Higher education.
You can choose a public school for free or a private school (the latter mainly work as boarding schools, providing students with accommodation on campus for the duration of their studies). There are schools offering a full educational cycle (3-5 to 18 years), you can switch from a junior to a middle or high school, changing educational institutions: for example, in Britain there are many high schools and colleges specializing in the preparation of students aged 15-18 to enter universities. It is also possible to choose a separate school (separately for boys or for girls) or a joint education institution - as a rule, the former are distinguished by more strict discipline and traditions.
Secondary education in the UK
Secondary education of children in England usually begins at 5 years from preparatory preschool classes. At 6-7 years old students attend primary classes in public and private schools, and at 11 years students go to middle classes, where they study until 15-16 years.
- Elementary classes usually include studying a standard program with a specific set of subjects: English, math, science, history, music, physical education and sports, art.
- In the middle classes, the depth of the study gradually increases year by year, the child has an opportunity to choose a part of the subjects on his own - a "core" of disciplines is required, and the rest can be chosen as electives to their own taste and interests.
- Sixth Form is a full-fledged directed preparation for entering a university. This can be a course of A-level, IB, Cambridge Pre-U, Foundation (annual) - the choice depends on the future country and the university chosen for higher education.
A-level program provides for a deep, thorough study of 3-5 selected disciplines for 2 academic years and the subsequent passing of the exam, which are counted as both introductory to the chosen institution. Foreign students often choose a one-year Foundation: in addition to studying basic subjects, there is an intensive language course, which will help to significantly increase the level of English in a year. But pay attention: top, most elite and selective universities do not take the Foundation as an academic high-grade and require a certificate of at least A-level or IB.
At 16 years students can go on getting a professional education (further education): this is vocational studying or preparation for the Bachelor's degree. This qualification can be obtained in colleges, institutes and special schools.
The academic year in the UK lasts 38 weeks and is divided into third-trimester:
- Autumn (Michaelmas) - from September to December
- Spring (Lent ) - January to March
- Summer (Summer ) - from April to the beginning of June.
The exact dates of each trimester each school can establish independently. Do not forget about holidays: short weekly intervals in the middle of each trimester and long Christmas, Easter (2-3 weeks) and summer (6 weeks) vacation.
Students are engaged on weekdays - Monday to Friday: usually lessons are held from 9:00 to 15:00 (breaks for lunch and lunch are provided). Saturday is a traditional day for excursions, major events, sports and matches, classes in creative studios and elective courses. Sunday is usually reserved for rest.
Higher education in England
Universities, institutes, higher schools and polytechnic colleges can provide higher education in the UK. There are more than 700 institutions. You can get a Bachelor's and Master's degree (including MBA), pass short-term programs, doctoral degree. Universities are divided into two large groups:
- Unitary: include departments and faculties
- Collegial (including Oxford and Cambridge): consist of several colleges, sometimes even from a few dozen.
Classes start in October and lasts until June, each trimester (one-third of the school year) for 8-10 weeks. There are big summer holidays - usually from June 1 to September 30.
The Bachelor's degree can be obtained for 3-4 years (in the field of medicine and architecture - up to 6 years), the Master's - after an additional year and creating personal research work. PhD can be obtained for a voluminous outstanding work, for an invaluable contribution to science, inventions with the possibility of practical application or important scientific research.
The main forms of work in universities are seminars and lectures, laboratory work, tutorials in mini groups of 2-10 people, master classes.
All higher education in the country is paid, and for foreign students tuition fees are usually higher. British citizens have an opportunity to study in debt, and the government has the right to collect a debt only if the graduate has got a job with a salary of at least 21,000 pounds sterling a year.