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State Academic University of Humanities, GAUGN

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Current page last update date: 2024-10-09

Description of State Academic University of Humanities, GAUGN

  • Location: Moscow, Russia;
  • Age of students: 17+;
  • Type: mixed;
  • Language of instruction: Russian.

The State Academic University of Humanities was founded in 1994. 

The founder of the university is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Educational process

The educational process in GAUGN is conducted by 50 departments.

Faculties and colleges

The structure of the university includes 10 faculties:

  • Historical;
  • Philosophical;
  • Political Science;
  • Sociological;
  • Legal;
  • World Politics;
  • Economic;
  • Psychology, including the Graduate School of Practical Psychology;
  • Eastern;
  • Philological.

GAUGN also includes the following educational structural units:

  • Institute of Additional Professional Education;
  • Center for the Popularization of Humanitarian Knowledge;
  • Higher School of Scientific and Managerial Personnel of the Russian Academy of Sciences (on the basis of GAUGN);
  • International Center for Semiotics and Dialogue of Cultures (CSI);
  • Information and Educational Center for the Preservation of Historical Memory "No Statute of Limitations";
  • Center for University-Wide Disciplines. 

Scientific achievements

The organization, coordination and development of research activities is carried out by the Scientific and Innovative Department of GAUGN. 

In 2021, the Laboratory for Western European and Mediterranean Historical Research continued its activities.

The Blockchain Research Laboratory in Education and Science is engaged in the study and practical implementation of various models for the organization of scientific and educational activities based on the use of distributed ledger technology (blockchain). Many of the Laboratory's research are interdisciplinary in nature – at the intersection of sociology of science, digital law and IT. 

The research laboratory "International Center for Semiotics and Dialogue of Cultures" implements the following priority areas: holding conferences, lectures and seminars with international participation on topical topics: semiotics and dialogue of cultures, semiotics and history, etc., publications on semiotics as a science of signs, communicative systems and the emergence of meaning, translation into Russian of the works of modern European semiotics. 

The Center for Legal Studies of Digital Technologies is engaged in the organization of international cooperation in the study of legal problems arising in connection with the creation, implementation and use of digital technologies in various spheres of public life. 

The teaching staff of GAUGN consists of researchers of the Russian Academy of Sciences who take an active part in conducting fundamental scientific research and participate in international scientific conferences. 

There are 12 student scientific societies at the faculties of GAUGN. 

In 2021, an information and educational center "No Statute of Limitations" was opened on the basis of GAUGN. The main goal of the center is educational work aimed at preserving the historical memory of the tragedy of the civilian population of the USSR, victims of war crimes of the Nazis and their accomplices during the Great Patriotic War. 

Things to know about

In 2021, GAUGN entered the top 100 ranking of the best Russian universities according to Forbes, in which it took 69th place.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in State Academic University of Humanities, GAUGN

Program name
All year round
from 265000.00 ₽ / year
from 265000.00 ₽ / year
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year


  • Age – from 17 years
  • The training period is 4 years.


  • Philosophy;
  • Political science;
  • Oriental and African Studies;
  • History;
  • Cultural Studies;
  • Economy;
  • Management;
  • Jurisprudence;
  • Foreign regional studies;
  • International relations;
  • Psychology;
  • Sociology.
All year round
from 285000.00 ₽ / year
from 285000.00 ₽ / year
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year


  • Age – from 21 years
  • The training period is 2 years.


  • Philosophy;
  • Political science;
  • Oriental and African Studies;
  • History;
  • Cultural Studies;
  • Economy;
  • Management;
  • Jurisprudence;
  • Foreign regional studies;
  • Psychology;
  • Sociology.

Accommodation, meals, prices

GAUGN has concluded a working agreement with the dormitory of the Academy of Sciences, students live in rooms of 1-2 people.

Activities State Academic University of Humanities, GAUGN

The GaugN Students' Union with the support of the GAUGN Rectorate implements a complex of public and sports and recreational activities. Extracurricular sports work of the university is aimed at involving as many students as possible in sports and promoting the principles of a healthy lifestyle. GAUGN students participate in football championships, volleyball, chess, table tennis, PS4 eSports in UFC 3, FIFA 2019 and MORTAL KOMBAT.

In 2021, the Union of Students launched a new project - the GAUGN TRAVEL tourist club. 

In 2021, within the framework of the structure of the Students' Union, a record number of cultural clubs arose: reading, poetry, Cinema Club, "Russian Format", a course of musical literacy was held. The greengaugn environmental club, the running club, the Chinese conversation club, the debate club, the board games club, the dance and theater clubs, etc. continue their work successfully.

Volunteer activities are actively developing. 

Since 2013, the university has had a GAUGN League for the intellectual game "What? Where is? When?" 

At the university, students publish their own magazine "GAUGN-Z", there is its own YouTube channel, student television GGN. The media sector of the Students' Union publishes weekly videos about the student life of GAUGN. 

The GAUGN Student Scientific Society actively participates in the organization of both its own and university-wide scientific events: models, conferences, round tables, scientific schools and lecture halls. 

The student community actively participates in city and all-Russian events. 

Facilities and equipment at State Academic University of Humanities, GAUGN

GAUGN educational programs are implemented on the basis of the following RAS organizations: 

  • Institute of Archaeology;
  • Institute of Oriental Studies;
  • Institute of World History;
  • Institute of Psychology;
  • Institute of Russian History;
  • Institute of Slavic Studies;
  • Institute of the USA and Canada;
  • Federal Research Sociological Center;
  • Central Economic and Mathematical Institute.

On the basis of gratuitous use agreements, scientific organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences provide premises for classroom classes, extracurricular and sports activities. 

GAUGN is the copyright holder and developer of its own electronic library system of socio-humanitarian knowledge SOCHUM. The system provides convenient and prompt access to educational organizations to scientific and educational materials in various disciplines and areas of education.

Admission dates and extra charges

The educational process in GAUGN is organized according to a 2-semester system within the academic year. The academic year begins on September 1 and ends according to the approved curriculum for a specific area of education.

When entering the GAUGN, it is worth considering additional expenses: for accommodation (for non-residents), for food, for travel, for leisure and other expenses.

Enrolment process

Applicants to GAUGN send an application for admission to the university with the following documents attached: 

  • Passport and its copy (2, 3 and 5 pages);
  • A copy of the education document with an appendix; 
  • 2 photos (size 3x4, black and white or color matte);
  • Medical certificate 086/U;
  • Copy of the registration certificate (for young men);
  • Documents confirming benefits and individual achievements.

Acceptance of applications is carried out online, throughthe uper service "Admission to the university online" or in person to the admission committee.

Enrolment statistics

More than 2000 people study at GAUGN.


Together with the Student Council of the University, the GAUGN Employment Promotion Center works, within the framework of which activities are held to assist graduates who need to find a job in their specialty. The priority direction of the Center is employment in scientific organizations of FASO RF.

The list of the main organizations where students and graduates of GAUGN were employed :

  • Central Institute of Economics and Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  •  Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  •  Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  •  Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  •  Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  •  Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  •  Academizdatcenter "Science" of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  •  New Economic School;
  •  Ashmanov & Partners CJSC;
  •  Banco Société Générale Vostok CJSC;
  •  CJSC "Sever";
  •  CJSC "Zara-CIS";
  •  LLC "Vneshprombank";
  •  CISCO Systems LLC;
  •  LLC "Online Audit";
  •  Institute for Financial Research LLC;
  •  LLC "Tsentrconsulting".

Entry requirements, how to apply, what is required to enrol

Applicants to the university under the programs of higher education must have completed secondary general education (11 classes), secondary vocational or higher education and the results of entrance tests, as which the results of the Unified State Exam are recognized.

Minimum number of points:

  • Mathematics, 39;
  • Russian language — 40;
  • History, 35;
  • Social Studies, 45;
  • Foreign language — 30;
  • Biology — 39.

Scholarships State Academic University of Humanities, GAUGN

  • state academic scholarship (and in an increased amount);
  • state social scholarship (and increased);
  • scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation for students in priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy;
  • scholarships;
  • one-time material support for undergraduate and graduate students;
  • full state provision for orphans and children left without parental care, students from among orphans and children left without parental care, as well as students who have lost both parents or a single parent during the period of education;
  • monetary compensation for the purchase of food, clothing, footwear, equipment, textbooks to students from among orphans and children left without parental care, and other persons who are fully supported by the state;
  • annual allowance for the purchase of educational literature and writing materials for students from among orphans and children left without parental care.

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.