
Yarnton Manor Oxford Summer School

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Description of Yarnton Manor Oxford Summer School

  • Location: Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Students age: 16-18 years
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Course dates : June 4 - August 12.

The beautiful 17th century manor house of Yarnton Manor is located in a quiet area of ​​Oxford. The history of the manor began in 1611, when it was built by the aristocratic family Spencer - in the XX century it was visited by such renowned guests as Iris Murdoch and John Bateman. Later, the manor became the home of the Oxford Hebrew and Judaic Center, and in 2014 joined the Oxford Royale Academy and today operates as a prestigious educational center for children and adolescents from around the world.

It is noteworthy that the architecture of Oxford Yarnton Manor is almost completely authentic - some of its parts were restored at the end of the XIX century in accordance with historical canons and standards. This is a real, secluded and cozy world where the unique atmosphere of the classical English boarding school is felt: students from all over the world are quickly merging into a new academic, linguistic and cultural atmosphere, feel their belonging to the Oxford student brotherhood. From the city center, the campus is only 15 minutes away by car (Yarnton is one of the closest suburbs of Oxford), comfortable minibuses are used to travel students.

The summer camp carefully monitors the safety of each student: the whole territory is guarded 24/7, with the children there are always teachers, including in residences.

Programs and prices, tuition fees in Yarnton Manor Oxford Summer School

Program name
07.06.2020 - 20.06.2020
21.06.2020 - 04.07.2020
16.08.2020 - 29.08.2020
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year
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Summer course is designed for those who are interested in medicine, physiology and human anatomy. The profile program will be especially useful for foreign students planning to enter the faculties of British universities related to medicine, pharmacology, and nursing.

The curriculum includes lectures on the principles of building a career in medicine and considering the most famous and prestigious profile faculties - for example, students will be able to compare the similar directions of Oxford and Cambridge. Examples of tasks and questions of specialized testing of BMAT or UKCAT are considered, and the greatest interest among students is usually caused by practical studies in laboratories: here you can learn to take a blood sample and do an analysis, to check the physiological reactions of the organism, to work with various techniques and tools under the guidance of qualified teachers, fully guaranting the safety of students.


  • Two-week courses: June 4-17, June 18-July 1, July 2-15, July 16-29, July 30-August 12, August 13-26.
07.06.2020 - 20.06.2020
21.06.2020 - 04.07.2020
16.08.2020 - 29.08.2020
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year
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An interesting summer course is designed for 16-18 year old students interested in engineering and architecture. Students learn a lot from the professionals in this field (lectures and master classes are regularly held with invited speakers and specialists), they will receive their experience and practical knowledge. This course is particularly suitable for those students who plan to enter UK universities for specialized programs (architecture, engineering, industrial or civil engineering).


  • Two-week courses: June 4-17, June 18-July 1, July 2-15, July 16-29, July 30-August 12, August 13-26.
07.06.2020 - 20.06.2020
21.06.2020 - 04.07.2020
16.08.2020 - 29.08.2020
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year
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Oxford Enterprise Program

The program "Business Oxford" is an ideal choice for 16-18 year old studens who plan to build a career in the business sphere and enroll in the faculties of business, management, economics.

Classes are constructed both in the format of classical lessons, and in the format of lectures and seminars: the college constantly invites famous specialists and speakers who share their practical experience and knowledge with students. Students will learn how to build and develop their own business, personal qualities and teamwork skills, to improve critical and creative thinking, to find original and non-standard business solutions. The students study:

  • Business vocabulary and ethics;
  • World economic systems;
  • Marketing and management;
  • Business management (resources and personnel);
  • Personnel records management.

Some lessons have a format of discussions, presentations: students will be able to develop oratory and communicative qualities, to learn and hear the interlocutor, and to defend their point of view, to become more confident and will gain valuable experience in negotiating.


  • Two-week courses: June 4-17, June 18-July 1, July 2-15, July 16-29, July 30-August 12, August 13-26.
07.06.2020 - 20.06.2020
21.06.2020 - 04.07.2020
16.08.2020 - 29.08.2020
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year
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Summer program with a scientific bias (New Perspectives)

  • Age of students: 13-15 years
  • Dates: 1-28 July.

Summer academic course New Perspectives is an ideal opportunity for pupils of 13-15 years to feel part of the student brotherhood! The program offers more than 17 scientific directions to choose from: every two weeks (in the camp, shifts of 2 and 4 weeks are offered), pupils choose subjects that they want to study in-depth. Each day in a two week course two morning subjects (from group A and group B) + one afternoon seminar of choice are organized:

1) Group A:

  • Writing skills
  • Economics and Management
  • Natural Sciences and Environmental Protection
  • Human Biology
  • Experimental Psychology
  • Contemporary History
  • Physics + chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Politics and international relations.

2) Group B:

  • Writing art
  • Economics and Management
  • English literature
  • Human Biology
  • Geography of the world and man
  • Experimental Psychology
  • Contemporary History
  • Physics + chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Politics and international relations.

3) Afternoon seminars and master classes:

  • Acting skills and performing arts
  • Business Courses
  • Essay Writing Skills
  • Skills of public speaking and debate, oratorical skills
  • Photography and sketching, graphics and sketches
  • Teambuilding and development of leadership skills.

All items - pay attention! - must be unique and not repeat: for example, you can not twice choose a course of mathematics (both from block A, and from block B).

At the morning seminars are not more than 15 people in each, afternoon classes are designed for 15-20 people; the intensity of the lessons is from 20 hours per week + minimum 2 thematic excursions, master classes and lectures with invited specialists and speakers. At the end of the program the students will receive a solemn closing ceremony, where everyone will receive a corporate certificate with personal achievements and successes.

07.06.2020 - 20.06.2020
21.06.2020 - 04.07.2020
16.08.2020 - 29.08.2020
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year
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Summer Courses with IT and Computer Science (Computer Science Program)

  • Age of students: 16-18 years
  • Dates: August 12-25.

A special summer course is designed for high school students who want to connect their future careers with the world of IT, coding and programming. Particular attention is paid to the study of computer systems for the calculation, analysis and provision of data. The course program includes:

  • Learning of three programming languages ​​(HTML, CSS, Python)
  • To create your own website using the techniques and tools you have mastered.
  • Mathematical principles of computer science, the use of algorithms in programming
  • Site design
  • Competent use of the Internet.

The main directions of the summer course (from which students can choose the most priority) are seven:

  • The Apple Watch Development Course (working with Apple's most modern gadget)
  • The iOS 10 Development Course (the ability to create your own application on iOS platforms)
  • The Android Development Course (using the development in Java, students will be able to create their own applications for the Android system)
  • The Web Development Course (a thorough study of web development - HTML, CSS, WordPress and other popular tools)
  • The Swift Apps Course (coding and creating applications using Swift)
  • The Node JS Course (creating applications with Node JS tools)
  • The Ruby on Rails Development Course (studying the structure of Ruby by creating mini-projects).

To participate in the program does not require any initial programming skills, but confident knowledge of computer programs and tools will only be a plus (you can use a Mac or another PC). Each course presented in the program is taught by an employee of Cambridge / Oxford University, which guarantees the quality and reliability, the productivity of studying.

Up to 14 people are engaged in each classroom; the intensity of the lessons is from 20 hours per week + minimum 2 thematic excursions, master classes and lectures with invited specialists and speakers. At the end of the program the students will receive a solemn closing ceremony, where everyone will receive a corporate certificate with personal achievements and successes.

07.06.2020 - 20.06.2020
21.06.2020 - 04.07.2020
16.08.2020 - 29.08.2020
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year
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The Summer Leadership Program (Global Leadership Program)

  • Age of students: 16-18 years
  • Dates: August 12-25.

The Summer Program of the Global Leadership Program will familiarize high school students with the main issues that all world leaders, politicians and countries are facing today. Lectures, discussions and seminars will reveal the peculiarities of conditions - political, social, economic - in which the most important decisions of the modern world are taken, their influence on international geopolitics. The course includes classes on the following topics:

  • Philosophy
  • Sociology
  • Politics and modern international relations
  • Economic context of modern politics
  • Political debate and interactive workshops
  • Human nature - personality and society
  • Equity and social justice, well-being
  • Art of government and government
  • Key political ideologies
  • Economic globalization
  • Change in the world order in the XX and XXI century
  • Identity and culture
  • Nuclear weapons: proliferation problems and disarmament policy
  • "The World in 2035"
  • Development of analytical and critical thinking
  • Skills of debates and discussions, oratory and reasoned criticism
  • Development of leadership qualities + team building.

Up to 15 people are engaged in each classroom; the intensity of the lessons is from 20 hours per week. At the end of the program students will receive a solemn closing ceremony, where everyone will receive a corporate certificate indicating personal achievements and successes, as well as a design portfolio contest.

07.06.2020 - 20.06.2020
21.06.2020 - 04.07.2020
16.08.2020 - 29.08.2020
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year
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Preparing for law schools (Law School Preparation)

  • Age of students: 16-18 years
  • Dates: August 12-25.

An effective thematic course is aimed at those high school students (16-18 years old) who plan to enter law schools, to receive higher education in law and jurisprudence.

During the summer course, the students will not only deepen their academic and language skills: they will purposefully prepare for enrolling in the chosen university, increasing their self-confidence and their chances of enrollment. The course includes the following options:

  • The practice of writing essays on legal topics under the guidance of specialists who have extensive experience in this field
  • Discussions and seminars with invited experts of world level
  • Assistance in drafting an application, forming a package of documents
  • Preparation and training for a personal introductory interview
  • Preparation for the LNAT profile exam
  • Development of commercial awareness: consideration of opportunities for internships and working practices, analysis of the legal services market in the UK
  • A visit to the Royal Court in London - a review of the real criminal process, monitoring the work of different employees
  • Compilation of defensive / accusatory speech on the given example: improvement of oratorical skills, skill of reasoned argumentation,
  • Consideration of the features of the UK legal system
  • Development of critical, logical, analytical thinking.

Up to 15 people are engaged in each classroom; the intensity of the lessons is from 20 hours per week. At the end of the program the students will receive a solemn closing ceremony, where everyone will receive a corporate certificate with personal achievements and successes.

16.08.2020 - 29.08.2020
Check with our specialists
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year
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IELTS Preparation

  • Age of students: 16-18 years old
  • Dates: August 16-29
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

The IELTS Summer Test Preparation Program for English proficiency will help high school students from 16 to 18 years old to get an idea of what the IELTS exam is, what tasks it includes and what you need to know to pass it successfully.

The curriculum includes more than 40 hours, during which students pay attention to all the main aspects of a foreign language: writing, reading, speaking and listening on the subject of the exam. Young people will practice their knowledge using mini-tests, which will offer questions similar to the original test. At the end of the course, each student receives a report card in his hands indicating his progress and possible areas of improvement. The course itself does not include an official exam - for passing it is necessary to additionally register and pay a fee.

During the studying on the course, students will receive the following skills:

  • Superior writing style
  • Expanded academic vocabulary
  • Practice of basic skills for each IELTS section
  • Improving English skills in preparation for the IELTS exam with a thorough assessment of the necessary effort
  • Reading academic texts, preparing written answers for the exam
  • Subtleties of academic writing: structure, style, vocabulary, links.
16.08.2020 - 29.08.2020
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year
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Oxford Summer English

  • Ageof students: 16-18 years old
  • Dates: August 16-29
  • Duration: 2 weeks.

Oxford-based English language intensive program is designed for international students and teens 16-18 years old. The course will allow students to improve their knowledge of colloquial English and other key areas (writing, reading, listening), to get acquainted with the culture and history of England. Young people will expand vocabulary and improve understanding of grammar.

In addition to studying general spoken English in its main areas, program participants will have the opportunity to practice the language with native speakers and to be immersed in their natural environment - such conditions for learning will allow young people to get the most out of learning taking into account the needs of the students themselves.

Areas of study are the following:

  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary expansion
  • Pronunciation
  • Conversation
  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Letter
  • Spoken English.
07.06.2020 - 29.08.2020
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
from 4795.00 £ / 2 weeks
There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year
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The course “Expanding horizons” is a unique educational program that helps students from all over the world (16-18 years old) to study a variety of priority specialties and areas, scientific fields and applied sciences. Classes in selected subjects are held in the morning and in the afternoon, interesting optional courses are also provided in the evening. The summer program will help not only to learn new academic areas, but also to significantly improve the language level - in English, students have to communicate almost around the clock.

Oxford Yarnton Manor offers a very wide list of academic specialties - each student will be able to choose for himself the most interesting and priority:

  • English literature
  • Creative writing
  • Economy
  • Business management
  • Oratory
  • Architecture and Engineering
  • Art (various directions)
  • Classic civilization
  • Chemistry
  • Humanitarian sciences
  • Journalism
  • Maths
  • Medical biology
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • International Relations and Politics
  • Archeology and anthropology
  • Modern history
  • Earth sciences and nature conservation
  • Experimental psychology
  • Drama, theater and acting
  • Leadership skills, team building
  • Debate and public speaking
  • Art and architecture of Oxford.

Accommodation, meals, prices

Residences in which students of summer courses live, offer cozy, fully furnished rooms for 1-2 people - there are options in the historic buildings and in more modern parts of the estate. The bathrooms are shared (each designed for a certain small number of students). Boys and girls live separately, and the age principle is taken into account when accommodating. Together with the students there are teachers and qualified educators who monitor the safety and comfort of children and help them with solving any difficult situations. Meals are organized for half board students (breakfasts + dinners), students under 15 years old are accommodated on full board basis (three meals a day).

Subjects, specialties

Admission dates and extra charges

The dates of each Oxford Yarnton Manor program can be seen in the detailed description of the course.

The course cost already includes:

  • Tuition - 21 hours weekly
  • Accommodation and meals (university residences, rooms for 1-2 people with shared bathrooms, half board - breakfasts + dinners)
  • Cultural and leisure program: excursions, visits to museums and theaters, sports and creative electives
  • Trips to other cities and visiting historical sights
  • Welcome party
  • Graduation party
  • Branded certificate at the end of the course
  • All educational guides, books and materials.

It is paid separately and does not include in cost:

  • Round trip air tickets
  • Round trip
  • Medical insurance
  • Personal pocket expenses
  • Visa fees and services, certification and translation of documents
  • Consular fee (paid at the Embassy).

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.

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