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Lyceum, School at HSE

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Current page last update date: 2024-10-09

Description of Lyceum, School at HSE

  • Established: 2013
  • Location: Moscow, Russia
  • Age of students: 15-18 years
  • Type of education: mixed
  • Type of accommodation: full-time school
  • Language of instruction: Russian.

The lyceum of the Higher School of Economics (Higher School of Economics) is engaged in the in-depth preparation of students of 9,10,11 grades for admission to the university. According to statistics, almost 100% of the lyceum graduates enter the selected university, receiving high scores. From the moment of its foundation, the lyceum holds a high level of knowledge - as the teachers themselves say, the three of the lyceum is equated to “excellent” in an ordinary school. Ninth-graders study according to the general universal program, 10-11 grades are decisive for the future specialty - classes are held in one of 8 specialized curricula, which the student chooses. The teaching staff is HSE certified specialists, famous scientists, authors of textbooks, online courses on educational portals. They teach future university students to be independent, to reason, draw conclusions, process information, plan their working day, and even correct debts (low marks or outstanding tasks). The relations of mentors with students are built on the level of mutual trust, respect - this is noted both by the lyceum students and their satisfied parents. Work with each student is carried out by a team of several specialists:

  • Head of
  • Teacher organizer
  • Social teacher
  • Lyceum tutor.

The format of the school day is more similar to the university - with deadlines and a "floating" schedule, a large number of independent work, including research. Achieving results is profitable for the students themselves - a high rating of the average mark of the certificate, participation in the public life of the school, etc., makes it possible to get a discount on education at the HSE (from 25 to 75%). Outside of school hours, lyceum students try themselves in theatrical, dance performances, sing, practice journalism (the lyceum publishes its own journal Futurium). Among the traditions and holidays of the Lyceum is “St. George’s Day”, when students have the right to change the specialized program, so to say, “to leave from one landowner to another.”

Programs and prices, tuition fees in Lyceum, School at HSE

Program name
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There are either 2 semesters or 3 trimesters (terms) in one academic year

Universal program of grade 9


  • Age of students: 15-16 years
  • Age of students: 16-17 years old
  • Duration: 2 years.
  • Dates: 1.09-25.05, Monday-Friday, Saturday - a day for self-study.

Lyceum students are engaged in a general education program with the choice of one or two specialized courses + preparation for the OGE. The general education program takes 32 hours in subjects:

  • Russian language and literature
  • Foreign languages
  • Mathematics: algebra, geometry, computer science
  • Society, Science: History of Russia, General History, Social Studies, Geography.

The profile is chosen by the student himself - these classes take no more than 4 hours per week. Completion of the profile course is essentially a preparation for the in-depth study of this subject in grades 10-11, although the student can choose another. Grade 9 provides an opportunity to look around, “grope” your direction, in which the student is most successful. Directions:

  • Advanced mathematics
  • Math Workshop
  • Programming
  • Workshop in Physics
  • Fundamentals of experimental biology
  • General chemistry and the beginnings of organic chemistry
  • Second foreign language
  • Practice reading and creative writing
  • Art
  • Difficult questions of history
  • Workshop on social studies
  • Right
  • Economy.

Ninth-graders try their strength by participating in research and experimental work, social and cultural events, grant competitions, school ratings, education.



Curriculum 10-11 grades



Dates: 1.09-31.05, from Monday to Saturday

The course of 10-11 grades is variable depending on the chosen profile (there are 8 of them, two more will appear in the near future). From the proposed educational block-profiles, the lyceum student chooses the desired ones, observing several obligatory conditions:

  • at least 10 items
  • at least 3 advanced studies
  • class hours - 31 or more.

Economics and Mathematics


In the direction of "Economics and Mathematics" students undergo deep education in the following subjects:

  • modern economic theory
  • maths
  • statistics
  • basics of econometrics
  • foreign languages

Graduates of the Lyceum under this program can easily enter the faculties:

  • business management
  • marketing
  • economic analytics
  • maths
  • economy, statistics.

Economics and Social Sciences


The direction is interesting for the future:

  • economists
  • managers
  • sociologists
  • marketers
  • diplomats
  • international law specialists
  • specialists of state and municipal government.

The course is based on international standards of education in the field of economics. In the framework of the study of modular social studies on the method of immersion, students learn:

  • the economy
  • political science
  • sociology.

Guys can also choose geography, business, philosophy. One of the achievements of the direction is the preparation of winners and prize-winners of competitions from city to world levels. In the process of studying science, lyceum students master the basics of quantitative and qualitative research methods. For example, by the end of the course, graduates may:

  • identify a political, social or economic problem with its detailed description
  • study and identification of problems of its occurrence
  • solutions

Humanitarian sciences


The course is taught by NU HSE teachers in the following disciplines:

  • Story
  • Philology
  • Philosophy
  • Foreign languages ​​and intercultural communication
  • Fundamental and Computational Linguistics
  • Art History
  • Culturology
  • International relationships
  • Journalism
  • Media Communications
  • Advertising and public relations
  • Arabic-Ethiopian Philology
  • Languages, literature of Turkic peoples
  • Languages, literature of Mongolia and Tibet
  • Classical Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology
  • Antiquity and reception of antiquity.

Acquaintance with these disciplines greatly facilitates admission to the faculties of the same name and, of course, helps applicants to easily pass the adaptation period at the university, especially at the HSE.



Design direction is one of the most promising: the coverage of highly paid specialties in the labor market is high both in the field of information technology and design work, as well as in the world of fashion and art. Listeners of this direction study the theory, get practical skills in the following areas:

  • Graphic design
  • Interactive design
  • Environment design
  • Fashion
  • Branding
  • Advertising
  • Animation
  • Product design
  • Interior Design
  • The photo
  • Fashion styling.

Lyceum students study the history of art and design, participate in project work, get acquainted with various professions in the field of design, study modern schemes and laws of the design business. Among the teachers on the course are designers, photographers, artists, winners of awards in the field of graphics and design.



Oriental Studies


On the course of future orientalists, lyceum students undergo a thorough linguistic, humanitarian, and oriental education, using the immersion method they study one oriental plus one western language. Students learn about the history, culture, religion of Eastern countries.

Choose from four oriental languages:

  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • Japanese
  • Arab.

At the end of the course, students of the lyceum students form communication skills at the level of conversation, reading, listening to primary and secondary levels of complexity.

Pupils of the Oriental Studies direction go on internships in the countries of the language being studied, participate in the work of joint international projects among teenagers from Japan, China, and South Korea.

Mathematics, computer science and engineering


In drawing up the curriculum, students can choose the basic or in-depth level of studying subjects, but even at the end of the basic (not in-depth) education, applicants successfully enter mathematics departments. The course prepares for mastering specialties in areas of actively developing, but experiencing a shortage of competent professionals:

  • Creating software and hardware systems for 3D-modeling
  • Digital Information Protection
  • Creation of programs for space equipment
  • Robotics.

In the creation and development of programs and teaching, HSE specialists are involved:

  • Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
  • Computer science
  • Physics
  • Mechanics
  • Applied economics
  • Fundamental and computational linguistics.



Among the main objectives of the course "Law" - the formation of a portfolio of knowledge related to the state and law, the ability to protect state rights and interests, as well as the rights and interests of society, the individual, including himself. Much attention is paid to laying the understanding of the "legal culture" in view of the market economy. What can graduates of the course?

  • Without difficulty, enter the law faculties of famous universities, in particular, the HSE
  • Familiar with the basics of family, financial, criminal, labor law, legal practice
  • Able to talk on topics of philosophy, history, politics, discuss the problems of society.



Studying the disciplines of the program "Psychology", students get acquainted with the specifics of the professions of the psychological direction, "try on" this or that sphere of this science. In the process of learning, students in-depth study of biology, mathematics, participate in laboratory and research work on innovative equipment, participate in master classes, trainings, lectures aimed at self-development, professional competence.

Areas of future work related to the psychological direction:

  • HR (personnel management - training, coaching, trainings)
  • PR specialties
  • Analytical work
  • Journalism
  • Personal counseling.


  • Universal basic education. Ninth-graders have the opportunity to try their hand in different disciplines in order to educate the 10-11th grades purposefully
  • 8 special profiles
  • Free education
  • More than 150 certified faculty members
  • Tutor support
  • Dispute circles, meetings with teachers or eminent guests of the Lyceum
  • Weekly High School Electives
  • Individual selection of educational plan
  • Location near traffic intersections in the center of Moscow, near the metro stations Chistye Prudy, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, Kurskaya
  • The best positions in educational rankings: 2nd place among the best schools of Moscow in the 2017/2018 school year, 1st place - among schools in sociology, economics
  • The highest points on the Unified State Exam - 24 out of 710 lyceum graduates in 2017 earned the highest (100) mark on the Unified State Exam.

Facilities and equipment at Lyceum, School at HSE

For effective and efficient educational process, the premises of the Lyceum are equipped with the most ergonomic furniture and equipment. At the disposal of students and teachers:

  • School classes with office equipment, workstations
  • Computer rooms with private server room and system administrator
  • Audience lectures with multimedia equipment for the demonstration of audio and video materials
  • Research laboratories
  • Library, reading room. The premises are equipped with office equipment.
  • Gymnasium with changing rooms, showers, exercise equipment, gaming, sports equipment
  • Free WiFi in the school building
  • Video surveillance on the floors around the school building.

Admission dates and extra charges

For ninth-graders, the school year is divided into 4 quarters, between them there are holidays plus additional holidays: 23.02, 25.02, 08.03-09.03.



Number of calendar days / weeks

1st quarter


49 / 8.2

Autumn vacation



2nd quarter


47 / 7,8

Winter vacation



3rd quarter


58 / 9,7

spring Break



4th quarter


52 / 8.7.

The total duration of the school year: 206 days, holidays - 84. The schedule of school days, holidays for tenth-graders and graduates may differ slightly from the 9th, for example, the end of classes before the summer holidays, not 25, but May 31.

School day:


Time, hours: minutes

Change up to

Duration min, lesson / change


09: 00-09: 40




09: 45-10: 25




10: 45-11: 25




11: 30-12: 10




12: 20-13: 00




13: 05-13: 45

2:45 pm



14: 45-15: 25

3:30 pm



15: 30-16: 10




16: 20-17: 00




17: 05-17: 45.


Education in the Lyceum is free, but the student can attend additional classes on a fee basis, conducted by the Faculty of Pre-University Training at HSE. This is an intensive preparation for entering a bachelor’s program or a language university (course “Cambridge Certificate”).

Entry requirements, how to apply, what is required to enrol

Any student who graduated from the 8th grade can become a lyceum student - it is necessary to pass a test, gaining the necessary number of points (each year the passing grade changes). Mandatory requirement is Moscow registration. Documents required for admission:

  • Application for admission in the prescribed form
  • Curriculum student with the signature of the parent. Developed individually, extra classes chosen by the student
  • Consent to the processing of personal data
  • Passport copies, student's birth certificate
  • Copies of documents confirming the relationship of the student and his official representatives
  • Copy of SNILS
  • Copy of compulsory health insurance policy
  • Medical card with vaccination table
  • Copies of certificates, diplomas, certificates (if any)
  • 4 color photos of the student (3x4)
  • Documents on social benefits (if available)
  • Private bussiness.

The deadline for submission of documents is March 15. Before July 1, the following applications must be submitted: an application for admission, a personal matter, consent to the processing of personal data.

When enrolling in grade 10, a student must attach to the above documents:

  • Motivation letter. This is an essay about yourself and the reasons for entering the HSE Lyceum. Entry points are not awarded for a motivation letter, but it is required
  • Certificate of secondary education.

On the appointed dates, the applicant passes an integrated test consisting of 2 parts: the first part, 120 minutes long, includes tasks in Russian, mathematics, foreign, the second one, 60 minutes long - 10 tasks in the core subject of the individual program chosen by the student. The maximum number of points for the first part of the complex test - 30, for the second - 20.

Institution on the map

Residence permits, citizenship and other services

  • Guardianship services during the studies
  • Student supervision

Review about Lyceum, School at HSE

Adilet Akhmetov
Hello! I am physics/mathematics teacher from Kazakhstan . I am 25 I have been working at school with advanced learning math and physics Is it possible to work at your school? I would like to prepare for your school(curriculum, exams for self development) Thank you@
Dear Adilet, maybe we can offer you cooperation. Send us your contacts: phone number and mail to us
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Recommendations on when to apply

Language courses, schools and children's language camps Primary and secondary education - private schools Preparation programmes for entering universities - higher education Higher education (after completing accredited programs A-level, IB, High School) - Bachelor, Master, MBA
- we recommend to apply 6-9 months before the start of the course (some camps and schools offer discounts for early booking or for lengthy study programs)
- there are some very popular and high demand children's camps, where the applications need to be submitted 1 year in advance (in particular Switzerland , Great Britain , USA , Canada , Austria)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the training program,
- some schools have a specific time frame (September-November - please specify an individual school)
- some schools require tests in several stages (UKISET, internal tests of the school: English, mathematics, logics, subjects, interview, some require a personal visit)
- we recommend to apply one year before the start of the program,
- for Foundation and Pathway programs, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are usually required, respectively

- recommended submission one year before the start of the program,
- the deadline normally closes in January, for TOP HEIs and, as a rule, in March in other universities
- for a bachelor, a Foundation or Pathway preparatory program a completed A-level, IB, High School + IELTS / TOEFL are required
- for Masters you need a graduated higher education, in some cases you need a pre-Masters program
- MBA requires completed higher education, work experience preferably at least 2-3 years, etc.

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